richardpiel: Alley. 10th and French street. Shaw
richardpiel: 10th and French street. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley. 12th street. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley. U street. Shaw Ben's Chile Bowl
richardpiel: Alley. U street. Shaw Ben's Chile Bowl
richardpiel: U street alley. Shaw Ben's Chile Bowl
richardpiel: U street alley. Shaw Ben's Chile Bowl
richardpiel: Alley off 6th street at Rhode Island ave. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley off 5th street at Rhode Island ave. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley off 5th street at Rhode Island ave. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley off 12th street. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley off Rhode Island ave. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley off Rhode Island ave. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley off Rhode Island ave. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley off Rhode Island ave. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley off Rhode Island ave. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley off Rhode Island ave. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley off Rhode Island ave. Shaw
richardpiel: Lamont street. Columbia Heights
richardpiel: Marion street alley. Shaw
richardpiel: Marion street alley. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley off Webster street. Petworth
richardpiel: Alley off 14th at Webster street. Petworth
richardpiel: Alley. 14th and Webster street. Petworth
richardpiel: Alley off 14th at Webster street. Petworth
richardpiel: Alley. 7th and S street. Shaw
richardpiel: 7th and H street Chinatown
richardpiel: 7th and H street Chinatown
richardpiel: 14th and Webster street alley. Petworth
richardpiel: 14th and Webster street alley. Petworth