-Leot-: Laughter on the 23rd Floor
-Leot-: Radio Mystery Theater BW
-Leot-: The Adventures of Abraham Lincoln Intergalactic Vampire Hunter
-Leot-: Characters of FORCESAKEN Minfig Figbarf
-Leot-: 4th Spur of the Galaxy Day Parade
-Leot-: Forcesaken
-Leot-: Fetch Ketchem and Elit Abel
-Leot-: One thing's for sure ... we're all gonna be a lot thinner
-Leot-: Zoey And Malcolm
-Leot-: Tomb of the Metasoli 2
-Leot-: Enila Gray and the Tomb of the Metisoli
-Leot-: On the 6th Day of Valentines
-Leot-: Game Stop; Robots Unite! (Figbarf)
-Leot-: Bixby And Pellet
-Leot-: Day of the Dead
-Leot-: Happy Holloween
-Leot-: Brimstonecycle
-Leot-: Bat Centaur And Horsefly
-Leot-: Return of the Galactic Adventurers
-Leot-: Kivi and Bafforr Shaking Down some Locals
-Leot-: Lego Movie Display
-Leot-: Forcesaken
-Leot-: Searching for Lullaby Song
-Leot-: May the Forth Be with You (Covid Conscious Figbarf)
-Leot-: Happy Valentine's Day
-Leot-: On the 1st Day of Valentines
-Leot-: When I said Shoot...
-Leot-: Mull Poda And Aces Ly-Mahonie at the Ready
-Leot-: Kojii Whoa and Lullaby Song
-Leot-: Happy New Year!