bsafolkestone: Fort Burgoyne
bsafolkestone: Fort Burgoyne
bsafolkestone: Fort Burgoyne
bsafolkestone: Fort Burgoyne - the ultimate green roof
bsafolkestone: Fort Burgoyne
bsafolkestone: Fort Burgoyne
bsafolkestone: Late afternoon sunshine with Shakespeare Cliff bottom right
bsafolkestone: Reflected sunset
bsafolkestone: Coming down
bsafolkestone: MV Folgefonn in the Wellington Dock
bsafolkestone: Hoverlloyd GH2054 The Prince of Wales
bsafolkestone: Dover Eastern Docks
bsafolkestone: Jubilee Way under construction
bsafolkestone: Jubilee Way under construction
bsafolkestone: Samphire Hoe
bsafolkestone: Recent cliff fall
bsafolkestone: West of Samphire Hoe
bsafolkestone: Viewing the cliffs
bsafolkestone: Dover Castle
bsafolkestone: Not if it's closed!
bsafolkestone: Samphire Hoe
bsafolkestone: Admiralty Pier
bsafolkestone: Dover Castle
bsafolkestone: Admiralty Pier
bsafolkestone: Dover harbour showing the Southern Breakwater
bsafolkestone: Those were the days!
bsafolkestone: Drop Redoubt
bsafolkestone: Drop Redoubt
bsafolkestone: Entrance to detached bastion
bsafolkestone: Victorian Postbox