Batkij: First visit with better half...
Batkij: Nitty came too
Batkij: 2012 was a big oilseed rape year
Batkij: With Marc & Nick
Batkij: Cocktails on roof of Varsity. Ben & Nikki
Batkij: Marc's wife Lisa
Batkij: But it wasn't a pretty farmhouse...
Batkij: Full view, very damp, asbestos too...
Batkij: Scruffy
Batkij: More like Mumbai
Batkij: but by 2015...
Batkij: a transformation
Batkij: OK inside too...
Batkij: Living room
Batkij: Meanwhile, terrific wheat
Batkij: And peas
Batkij: Maize for biogass...but never again
Batkij: Valiant attempt at sugar beet weeding
Batkij: Ah, a man and his grain
Batkij: Looking good
Batkij: Autumn visit...
Batkij: ...everybody came!
Batkij: Proprietorial
Batkij: As high as Nitty's eye