OBaughman: Coffee porter, Brewer Brown, Put-in Pale
OBaughman: Diggin a pit on a sketchy day
OBaughman: sketchy storm slab
OBaughman: Top of the lap
OBaughman: Eye-balling a chute....not for me!
OBaughman: New friend Phillip (way out front) says: "There are two kinds of snow. Good snow and bad attitudes."
OBaughman: Silver Peak
OBaughman: Silver Peak, CA
OBaughman: Birth of a kegerator
OBaughman: E/SE from Rose
OBaughman: a fine day on Rose
OBaughman: IMG_4400
OBaughman: a fine day on Rose. Bottom of a 1200 ft run
OBaughman: Middle of a 1200 ft climb...
OBaughman: bootin' the exit
OBaughman: all ready for the party......our guests drank all the beer...11 gallons!
OBaughman: Smoke Creek valley
OBaughman: Smoke creek valley
OBaughman: Smoke creek valley
OBaughman: Smoke creek valley
OBaughman: Smoke creek valley
OBaughman: Bonham Ranch, Smoke Creek Valley
OBaughman: The algal scrotum of the earth
OBaughman: Smoke creek valley
OBaughman: Smoke creek valley from Sand Pass
OBaughman: consider yourself unicorned
OBaughman: barleywine brew day with paw!
OBaughman: 25 pounds of grain!
OBaughman: the boil