Daniel Gaussen: The Perseids meteor shower
Daniel Gaussen: Geoff Skinner Reserve - Rising Road Of Milk
Daniel Gaussen: Mountains Of Milk
Daniel Gaussen: When we were out amoungst the mountains around Mt Cook we waited for night fall and the amazing Milky Way to emerge above the peaks. This is one of many photos I captured. Samyang 16mm @f2.8 20 secs
Daniel Gaussen: The Galactic core rising over the eastern mountains of Lake Tekapo, New Zealand. A breathtaking sight.
Daniel Gaussen: Tekapo Church
Daniel Gaussen: The Great Orion Nebula. 25 minute exposure of 1 min subs stacked with darks in deepsky stacker. I would have preferred longer subs but having trouble with polar alignment. The great nebula in Orion is the closest star forming region to the solar system.
//C H A Y: My Fears Have Become Phobias
//C H A Y: We dream of travel throughout the universe: the universe is not within us?
Mila Photographie: finding nerverland
Mila Photographie: le petit Prince de la Gaspésie
oroyplata.: CALMA TENSA
notyourcanvas: A stone on the riverbed
notyourcanvas: Autumn tint of red
notyourcanvas: Cascade of leaves
notyourcanvas: On this autumn day
Lothbrok's Yen: LastSunsetInOctober
Kasia Derwinska: aforetime
Kasia Derwinska: where time stops
Matthew Dartford: Horsford Woods 06 Dec 2016