myfriendlygiant: Horse statue, Quito
myfriendlygiant: Our hotel in Quito
myfriendlygiant: Dancers in Quito
myfriendlygiant: Arrived at the Galapagos
myfriendlygiant: Shark rosting area
myfriendlygiant: View out over Isla Isabela
myfriendlygiant: Volcanic rock, Isla Isabela
myfriendlygiant: Locals hanging out at the Ferry Docks
myfriendlygiant: Suntanning on the beach
myfriendlygiant: A conversation
myfriendlygiant: Young Sea Lion
myfriendlygiant: A young Brown Pelican
myfriendlygiant: Nazca Booby with two eggs
myfriendlygiant: Nazca Booby with chick
myfriendlygiant: Hike back to the boat
myfriendlygiant: Our luxurious accommodations
myfriendlygiant: Morning in the Galapagos
myfriendlygiant: The bus we took on the long, long ride from the Ecuador border to Ucumari National Park, Colombia
myfriendlygiant: On the way up to Ucumari National Park, Colombia
myfriendlygiant: La Pastora
myfriendlygiant: At a bridge over a creek.
myfriendlygiant: Same bridge, Ucumari National Park
myfriendlygiant: Hiking up Ucumari in the rain
myfriendlygiant: Photographing Great Thrush
myfriendlygiant: Next: Rio Blanco hillside
myfriendlygiant: Rio Blanco: a very wet place
myfriendlygiant: Rufous Antpitta, Santa Marta
myfriendlygiant: Blue-naped Chlorophonia
myfriendlygiant: Neighbourhood in Bogota
myfriendlygiant: Hostel in Bogota