AlfredSin: Walking by the disused Maroondah Aqueduct
AlfredSin: DSCN7981_1
AlfredSin: You wants to jump over?
AlfredSin: Kangaroos' playground
AlfredSin: Kangaroos' reflections
AlfredSin: Trying her best to overcome the slope
AlfredSin: She proved to be capable.
AlfredSin: She did that
AlfredSin: DSCN8002_1
AlfredSin: DSCN8003_1
AlfredSin: DSCN8005_1
AlfredSin: Eucalyptus leucoxylon
AlfredSin: In season Eucalyptus flowers
AlfredSin: DSCN8014
AlfredSin: DSCN8015
AlfredSin: The water treatment ponds
AlfredSin: Observation point for water treatment plant
AlfredSin: Observation point for water treatment plant
AlfredSin: Sugarloaf Reservoir
AlfredSin: Winter scene at Sugarloaf Resservoir
AlfredSin: Winter scene at Sugarloaf Resservoir
AlfredSin: DSCN8049_2
AlfredSin: Water channel
AlfredSin: DSCN8055_1
AlfredSin: Wombat's poos
AlfredSin: A tea time to finish the walk.
AlfredSin: Cerasifera leaves mimicking autumn colour
AlfredSin: Ladybird on the thistle
AlfredSin: Late spring Azalea flowers
AlfredSin: A reservoir surrounded by vegetation