AlfredSin: The largest wombat hole in this area
AlfredSin: A disturbed kangaroo. Note its long hind leg.
AlfredSin: Not sure what the intruders want to do, but willing to go away
AlfredSin: He thinks that we are quite disgusting
AlfredSin: Actually, we are quite gentle; disturbance not intended!
AlfredSin: A lake by the Tea tree Track
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AlfredSin: Bracket fungus
AlfredSin: A tiny prostrate plant in bloom
AlfredSin: Green Hood--a native orchid
AlfredSin: An emerging flower shoot of the Greenhood
AlfredSin: Common heath
AlfredSin: Leucopogon virgatus
AlfredSin: Hibbertia flowers
AlfredSin: A swimming bee
AlfredSin: Sun dew and flowers
AlfredSin: White Sundew flower
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AlfredSin: At the Trig point lookout
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AlfredSin: Inside the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne
AlfredSin: Dillwynia (sericea?)
AlfredSin: Acacia leprosa, Scarlet Blaze
AlfredSin: Eucalyptus sp
AlfredSin: Grevillea baueri, subsp asperula, Bauer's grevillea
AlfredSin: Conospermum stoaechadis, Common Smokebush