johnfogarty916: Upper Entrance, Basilica of St Francis, Assisi
johnfogarty916: Agora Simone Veil, Brussels, Belgium
johnfogarty916: Agora Simone Veil, Brussels, Belgium
johnfogarty916: Agora Simone Veil, Brussels, Belgium
johnfogarty916: Agora Simone Veil, Brussels, Belgium
johnfogarty916: Altiero Spinelli Building, Rue Wiertz, Brussels
johnfogarty916: Altiero Spinelli Building, Rue Wiertz, Brussels
johnfogarty916: Basilica of Saint Francis, Assisi
johnfogarty916: Basilica of St Francis, Assisi, At Night
johnfogarty916: Basilica of St Francis, Assisi, At Night
johnfogarty916: Brown-Habited Man, At St Francis's Basilica, Assisi
johnfogarty916: Buskers, Brussels
johnfogarty916: Daniella, Painting A Putto, Assisi
johnfogarty916: Daniella, Painting A Putto, Assisi
johnfogarty916: Doorway, Via San Francesco, Assisi
johnfogarty916: ES Building, Strasbourg
johnfogarty916: European Parliament Hémicycle, Paul Henri Spaak Building, Brussels
johnfogarty916: Fr Joe Ryan, Alfonso & Other Strasbourgians
johnfogarty916: Grand Place, Brussels, Belgium
johnfogarty916: Kurdish Protest Outside Council of Europe, Strasbourg
johnfogarty916: Palais de l'Europe, Strasbourg
johnfogarty916: Palais de l'Europe, Strasbourg
johnfogarty916: Part of The Group, Palais de l'Europe, Strasbourg
johnfogarty916: Paul Gourdon, Barbara Kentish & Anne Peroi, Strasbourg
johnfogarty916: Roadside Shrine, Assisi
johnfogarty916: Share The Journey Walk, Assisi
johnfogarty916: Share The Journey Walk, Assisi
johnfogarty916: Share The Journey Walk, Assisi
johnfogarty916: Shop in Assisi
johnfogarty916: Some of The Group, Including Me, In Brussels