jerry digilio: border crossing into Guatemala
jerry digilio: DSCF3298.JPG
jerry digilio: DSCF3300.JPG
jerry digilio: DSCF3304.JPG
jerry digilio: hospital where Kraig got his last shot. It was deserted. very strange for a hospital in a very poor area.
jerry digilio: hospital staff that gave Kraig his last shot. Nurse kidded about taking a picture of her giving the shot. Yea, it was in the rump!
jerry digilio: DSCF3307.JPG
jerry digilio: DSCF3308.JPG
jerry digilio: DSCF3309.JPG
jerry digilio: DSCF3310.JPG
jerry digilio: DSCF3312.JPG
jerry digilio: DSCF3313.JPG
jerry digilio: DSCF3314.JPG
jerry digilio: no one is gonna climb this wall. glass embedded above window and on roof, and razor wire that is electrified.
jerry digilio: dessert at McDonald's