ironchef0069: I am so hungry, give me some!
ironchef0069: Welcome Swallow.
ironchef0069: Nankeen night heron
ironchef0069: Juvenile Nankeen night heron
ironchef0069: Juvenile Nankeen night heron
ironchef0069: Juvenile Nankeen night heron
ironchef0069: Rainbow bee eater
ironchef0069: DSC_8886
ironchef0069: DSC_8296
ironchef0069: DSC_8063
ironchef0069: DSC_7721
ironchef0069: DSC_7528
ironchef0069: cemetery
ironchef0069: DSC_6799
ironchef0069: I feel for the raptors. This little guy was just minding its own business and was getting harassed by noisy miners.
ironchef0069: What a little cutie it is.
ironchef0069: Spotted dove.
ironchef0069: young red wattle bird
ironchef0069: Little guy having a nap
ironchef0069: DSC_5515
ironchef0069: Black shoulder kite.
ironchef0069: Australian Spotted Crake
ironchef0069: Bronze wing.
ironchef0069: You are clear for take off from run way one.
ironchef0069: Rainbow bee eater.
ironchef0069: Rainbow bee eater having breakfast.
ironchef0069: Yellow-billed Spoonbill
ironchef0069: Black shoulder kite.
ironchef0069: Willie Wag tail on the back of a whistling kite.
ironchef0069: Willie wag tail on the back of a whistling kite.