ironchef0069: Purple swamp hen and baby.
ironchef0069: time to say.. awwwwwwwwwwwww how cute is that?
ironchef0069: DSC_5479
ironchef0069: everyone was kung fu fighting.
ironchef0069: 2nd lot of cygnets for this year.
ironchef0069: 2nd lot of cygnets for this year!!
ironchef0069: @ Healesville.
ironchef0069: White necked ibis.
ironchef0069: Australian settler goose and chick
ironchef0069: Australian settler goose and chicks.
ironchef0069: This is why I like bird photogrpahy.
ironchef0069: DSC_6763
ironchef0069: DSC_6783
ironchef0069: DSC_6806
ironchef0069: DSC_6844
ironchef0069: DSC_5939
ironchef0069: Mountain ducks.(male and female.)
ironchef0069: Mountain duck (female)
ironchef0069: Mountain duck (male)
ironchef0069: Eastern Great Egret?
ironchef0069: Eastern Great Egret?
ironchef0069: DSC_4445
ironchef0069: DSC_3366
ironchef0069: DSC_2601
ironchef0069: DSC_2583 (2)
ironchef0069: DSC_2501 (2)
ironchef0069: DSC_2458
ironchef0069: Wood duck on wood.
ironchef0069: DSC_7858
ironchef0069: @ Melbourne zoo.