ironchef0069: Letter box.
ironchef0069: DSC_4491
ironchef0069: DSC_4483
ironchef0069: Here comes the rain again..!!!
ironchef0069: DSC_4369
ironchef0069: DSC_4322
ironchef0069: DSC_3358
ironchef0069: CSC_4267 (5)
ironchef0069: Road to no where..
ironchef0069: DSC_4515
ironchef0069: DSC_3498
ironchef0069: DSC_3497
ironchef0069: DSC_0993
ironchef0069: The things you see when you go for a drive 1!
ironchef0069: Thanks Kate for the guided tour.
ironchef0069: DSC_1529
ironchef0069: DSC_1466
ironchef0069: DSC_1457
ironchef0069: DSC_1454
ironchef0069: DSC_1428
ironchef0069: cemetery
ironchef0069: Lego Christmas tree @ Federation Square
ironchef0069: Lego Christmas tree @ Federation Square
ironchef0069: Lego Christmas tree @ Federation Square
ironchef0069: Lego Christmas tree @ Federation Square
ironchef0069: Lego Christmas tree @ Federation Square
ironchef0069: Lego Christmas tree @ Federation Square
ironchef0069: DSC_1102 (2)
ironchef0069: DSC_1118 (2)
ironchef0069: DSC_1075 (2)