SundayMorning7: Valle muerto
SundayMorning7: On the way to Santo Cristo lagoon
SundayMorning7: Laguna Santo Cristo
SundayMorning7: Amarillo
SundayMorning7: Diente de león
SundayMorning7: The view
SundayMorning7: The sign
SundayMorning7: Wonderful nature
SundayMorning7: Our neighbours
SundayMorning7: Rocks and a beautiful sunrise...
SundayMorning7: Pico Pan de Azúcar - Mérida Venezuela
SundayMorning7: Pico Humboldt
SundayMorning7: Profundidad
SundayMorning7: La pureza de la tierra
SundayMorning7: Amanecer
SundayMorning7: Bahía de Cata
SundayMorning7: Bahía de Cata - Venezuela