Steve Shinn:
Young Great Horned Owl chicks. "Oh, oh, watch your six!"
Steve Shinn:
Great horne owl chick, baby in a park in Orange Couty CA. (As usual, suggested captions are welcome)
Steve Shinn:
Young Great Horned Owls, cute and funny cuddles
Steve Shinn:
Great Horned Owlets sleeping on a limb.
Steve Shinn:
Great Horned Owlets, "I don't trust that guy with the camera!"
Steve Shinn:
Great Horned Owlets, cute and funny.
Steve Shinn:
Great Horned Owl babies stare at tourists
Steve Shinn:
Great Horned owlet eating a bird
Steve Shinn:
Great Horned owl pellets and leftovers.
Steve Shinn:
Northern Screech Owl... eyeing the photgrapher, see reflection (captive bird)
Steve Shinn:
Western Screech Owl (captive bird)
Steve Shinn:
Burrowing Owl, (captive bird)
Steve Shinn:
Great Horned Owl emerges from the darkness (captive bird)
Steve Shinn:
The ecstacy of flight, Burrowing Owl flying with eyes closed.
Steve Shinn:
Burrowing Owl in flight showing alulae (plural of alula)
Steve Shinn:
Burrowing Owl in flight
Steve Shinn:
Burrowing Owls "I've got your back" .
Steve Shinn:
Burrowing Owls, the squat
Steve Shinn:
Burrowing Owls, the stretch
Steve Shinn:
Burrowing Owls, the landing. The flight line staff was not impressed.
Steve Shinn:
Burrowing Owls "Where's dinner?" (please see comment below)
Steve Shinn:
Steve Shinn:
Burrowing Owl with owletts
Steve Shinn:
Burrowing Owletts
Steve Shinn:
Burrowing Owls at the burrow with Cottontail rabbit neighbor