G^Man: mui ne is a heavy fishing orientated town
G^Man: the fleet of fish boats
G^Man: IMG_1931
G^Man: burning dunes that....burned
G^Man: dan rethinking not wearing thongs
G^Man: IMG_1943
G^Man: the south china sea
G^Man: IMG_1949
G^Man: IMG_1950
G^Man: IMG_1951
G^Man: IMG_1952
G^Man: IMG_1953
G^Man: IMG_1954
G^Man: IMG_1955
G^Man: IMG_1956
G^Man: IMG_1957
G^Man: happy lil traveler....my feet are actually incinerating
G^Man: the outsiders
G^Man: hindu key hole?
G^Man: a family party we got invited to for ID. yes that is beer in the bucket
G^Man: both these guys were off their rockers
G^Man: fresh baby squid, the best i have tasted
G^Man: song, the dad, was a champ
G^Man: fishing boats
G^Man: nice shot that
G^Man: holy cow
G^Man: IMG_2003
G^Man: IMG_2005
G^Man: writing about today was exhausting