G^Man: riding on rooftops
G^Man: downtown vieng xay
G^Man: happiness - a man and his shortwave radio
G^Man: a karst outcrop at the back of our guesthouse
G^Man: the influence of soviet russia was strong on laos
G^Man: IMG_1022
G^Man: meeting room of the pathet laos
G^Man: emergency room should the caves be infiltrated
G^Man: machine that provides air
G^Man: some commie literature
G^Man: a bit of crockery to brighten the underground up a bit
G^Man: jonno squeezes one out
G^Man: the chef in the alfresco kitchen
G^Man: this used to be a crater. surreal how picturesque it is now
G^Man: the underground network links to this far karst
G^Man: simple but effective transport