G^Man: the town and mekong river
G^Man: fancy slow boat
G^Man: jonno lofts a high one
G^Man: pentanque, an addictive local game
G^Man: a tethered cock
G^Man: the entrance to the bat cave, by gum i've found it!
G^Man: buddhist decor, all the rage
G^Man: a friendly cat
G^Man: its posing for me
G^Man: oi!
G^Man: cat eyeing off straw...
G^Man: ...and cat eating straw
G^Man: house for atm
G^Man: a wat where i did some drawing at
G^Man: the monks played a percussion piece using a large drum and cymbals...
G^Man: ...which set off a car alarm
G^Man: dodgy place
G^Man: elixir of laos
G^Man: a quiet night
G^Man: satellite dishes and tuk tuks, big industries here