p8e: 40 Footer 2
p8e: 40 Footer 3
p8e: Minitug
p8e: Minitug- 2
p8e: Minitug- 3
p8e: Minitug
p8e: Retrofitting VHF cable to Mast
p8e: Retrofitting VHF cable to Mast- 2
p8e: Retrofitting VHF cable to Mast- 3
p8e: Puffin
p8e: Puffin- 2
p8e: Barefoot
p8e: Barefoot- 2
p8e: Barefoot- 3
p8e: Barefoot- 4
p8e: Barefoot- 5
p8e: Barefoot- 6
p8e: Barefoot- 8
p8e: Barefoot- 9
p8e: Dix 43 "Namo"
p8e: Barefoot- 10
p8e: Barefoot- 11
p8e: Barefoot- 12
p8e: Barefoot- 13
p8e: At anchor Nanaimo 067 (8) (Large)
p8e: Namo- 2
p8e: Barefoot- 7
p8e: Namo- 3
p8e: Namo- 4
p8e: Namo- 5