jphilo_92107: Grounds and beach at Mision Santa Maria hotel, San Quintin
jphilo_92107: View of flowers in Baja desert from the bus
jphilo_92107: Our bus driver with the desert in the background
jphilo_92107: Verdant desert hillside with Boojum trees (Cirios), from the bus
jphilo_92107: Fouquieria columnaris (Cirio or boojum)
jphilo_92107: Desert flowers
jphilo_92107: Carpet of wild flowers between San Quintin & Guerrero Negro
jphilo_92107: Cholla with fruits
jphilo_92107: Blooming cactus
jphilo_92107: Cardon cactus, largest member of the sajuaro family
jphilo_92107: A caron with flowers
jphilo_92107: Several cirios (Boojums)
jphilo_92107: Pitaya
jphilo_92107: Candelabra cactus
jphilo_92107: Desert plants between San Quintin & Guerrero Negro
jphilo_92107: Young Boojum (Cirio)
jphilo_92107: Hillside with many types of cacti & flowers
jphilo_92107: Nice large caron with several boojums
jphilo_92107: A yellow and smaller type of poppy
jphilo_92107: Lovely cholla flower
jphilo_92107: A view from a later stop for a hike to see cave paintings
jphilo_92107: Large brittlebush beside trail
jphilo_92107: Huge 'brain' cactus
jphilo_92107: Cave paintings (estimated as 3,000 years old)
jphilo_92107: Cave paintings
jphilo_92107: Cave paintings
jphilo_92107: Closeup of cave art
jphilo_92107: Closeup of cave art
jphilo_92107: Whale watching in Scammon's Lagoon
jphilo_92107: Whales at Scammon's Lagoon video #1