jphilo_92107: Dolphins riding tanker bow wave, Port Aransas
jphilo_92107: Bromeliad flower, South Texas Botanical Garden
jphilo_92107: Bromeliad flower, South Texas Botanical Garden
jphilo_92107: Whooping cranes, Aransas NWR
jphilo_92107: Pipevine swallowtail, Corpus Christi Botanical Garden
jphilo_92107: Common moorhen
jphilo_92107: American bittern
jphilo_92107: American bittern
jphilo_92107: American bittern
jphilo_92107: Bittern video
jphilo_92107: Fisherman catching bait fish with net
jphilo_92107: Small fish in net
jphilo_92107: Harvested fish
jphilo_92107: Inn at Chachalaca Bend
jphilo_92107: Panorama from roof balcony of The Lodge, Inn at Chachalaca Bend
jphilo_92107: Paths on grounds of Inn at Chachalaca Bend
jphilo_92107: Interesting group of palms, Inn at Chachalaca Bend
jphilo_92107: Sunset light on trees, Inn at Chachalaca Bend
jphilo_92107: Wandering glider dragonfly
jphilo_92107: Another wandering glider
jphilo_92107: ? Carolina saddlebags dragonfly
jphilo_92107: Bare trees & grasses in the morning light, Laguna Atascosa
jphilo_92107: Variegated frittilary butterfly
jphilo_92107: Familiar bluet dragonflies resting/mating on reeds
jphilo_92107: Familiar bluets
jphilo_92107: Familiar bluets video
jphilo_92107: Little blue heron
jphilo_92107: Little blue heron
jphilo_92107: Great blue heron
jphilo_92107: Osprey hunting (unsuccessfully)