jphilo_92107: entrance torii, path to Kasuga Shrine
jphilo_92107: rows of stone lanterns along path to Kasuga Shrine
jphilo_92107: many of the lanterns have carvings of deer
jphilo_92107: the famous Nara deer are everywhere
jphilo_92107: warning sign about the Nara deer
jphilo_92107: sacred tree, more than 1000 years old
jphilo_92107: entrance to the shrine
jphilo_92107: hall on side of entrance gate, curved to match the local topography
jphilo_92107: another ancient sacred tree
jphilo_92107: many metal lanterns hang from the shrine buildings
jphilo_92107: tree growing through roof of shrine
jphilo_92107: this wisteria is said to be 800 years old
jphilo_92107: metal lanterns
jphilo_92107: more lanterns
jphilo_92107: twisted wisteria vines
jphilo_92107: Nandaimon Gate, Todai-ji Temple
jphilo_92107: Suzakumon Gate, Todai-ji Temple
jphilo_92107: The Great Buddha Hall (Daibutsuden)
jphilo_92107: roof of Daibutsuden
jphilo_92107: huge bronze lantern in front of Great Buddha Hall
jphilo_92107: the Great Buddha, largest bronze Buddha in the world
jphilo_92107: another view of the Great Buddha
jphilo_92107: a smaller Buddha within the hall
jphilo_92107: Komukuten, a large wooden statue of a guardian for the Great Buddha
jphilo_92107: Bishamonten, a Buddhist deity, one of the two guardians for the Great Buddha
jphilo_92107: schoolboys crawling through a hole through one of the huge wooden pillars supporting the roof