jeffallsebrook: Blue Tit
jeffallsebrook: Goldfinch
jeffallsebrook: Goldfinch
jeffallsebrook: Goldfinch
jeffallsebrook: Reed Bunting
jeffallsebrook: Reed Bunting
jeffallsebrook: Sparrowhawk
jeffallsebrook: Gadwall ?
jeffallsebrook: Reed Bunting
jeffallsebrook: Reed Bunting
jeffallsebrook: Reed Bunting
jeffallsebrook: Black Heade Gulls
jeffallsebrook: Black Backed Gull
jeffallsebrook: Black Backed Gull
jeffallsebrook: Coot and chick
jeffallsebrook: Coot and chick
jeffallsebrook: Mist in the valley
jeffallsebrook: Dragonfly
jeffallsebrook: Dragonfly
jeffallsebrook: Dragonfly
jeffallsebrook: Dragonfly
jeffallsebrook: Coot in a hurry01
jeffallsebrook: Coot in a hurry02