Ruby Loves Red: Think this is gonna just be a bit of an improv piece. Not sure yet if I'll use it for my #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap partner?!? It's annoying me that the bottom left section of the circle is too short compared to the others!!! #perfectionist
OhSnap22: il_570xN.527600791_h2i5
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: With my son on a special mission this weekend several oceans away, I find myself especially appreciative of the sacrifices our Armed Forces make so the freedom of our great Nation remains intact. If you see me crying this weekend, it's not because I'm sad
Schnitzel&Boo: I's not like it's my favorite color or anything. Should I plot evil doings and steal it from my mom? That's not wrong, right? Right??
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: My most epic word quilty is almost done. Can't wait!! You know how the redneck guy says here's your sign...
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Here's your sign, consider yourself warned. Once I finish this sucker it's going to the cube farm. Playing nice is no longer part of the equation. #menopauseismysuperpower #selfishsewingfest2014 #notimeforstupid
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: When you spend the whole day giggling with your sweet girl, life is good! #mommasgirl #bff #loveknowsnoboundries
Schnitzel&Boo: Well that's done! @sarcasticquilter #stitchthatstash
Sarcastic Quilter: Happy mail today! #stitchthatstash bee blocks arrived. Yay! They look awesome.
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: There's just something about a good old fashion churn dash and a bit of hand quilting. We truly are blessed to be able to create these little things.
sewfunbymonique: Making pink bunting for our Relay For Life booth this weekend
Sewbettyjane: Bee blocks for @dulutheran I'll mail them out tomorrow.
sewfunbymonique: Block 1 done for Deb for stitchthatstash bee
Sewbettyjane: The new addition to my studio. Primitive cabinet circa 1920. I love it!
Schnitzel&Boo: Oh my goodness, @thatswhatlindseymade!!! You spoil me! Thank you, thank you so very much! I have admired these fabulous little heart quilts of yours for so long and now I have one! I am overwhelmed, I absolutely love it! Quilty friends are the best. XOXO!
Schnitzel&Boo: Happy corner!
Schnitzel&Boo: The only thing stopping me from going over there and getting set up is this massive migraine that has taken over. I would also like to say that my life has been wacky crazy nutso this last year, especially the last six months-major emphasis on the stress
Schnitzel&Boo: Good morning. Miraculously my headache went away overnight, so this morning I hung up my mini's from left to right: @dawncwho0423 @synnove75 @kakiofhoneyhill @hellofromcat I've been waiting and waiting anxiously to do that!
FairlyMerry: Tote Bag
Schnitzel&Boo: Ok, #thestashbash Sew Secret Agent partner, how's this? Would you be ok if I didn't add notions to it? They might not fit
Katherine of Honeyhill Designs: Time to get it organized up in here! Wrap all the greens and then reward myself with another boxy pouch.
Schnitzel&Boo: I just finished up this cute little tote for my Yarn-Stitch swap partner, I'm late but hopefully my person has been notified. Can someone hashtag this one for me? I can't remember what it is. Better pics tomorrow!
sewfunbymonique: Wee Wander diaper bag
silort: DSQ 14 recieved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Schnitzel&Boo: More #waterfrontparkquilt progress. It's taking longer than I thought, but that just makes the finish that much more exciting!
Schnitzel&Boo: Yep. She's definitely my kid!
FairlyMerry: Totally Tote for my SSM4 partner
FairlyMerry: Divided Basket