postxwayk: FR-199404 Moulin Rouge, Paris, France
postxwayk: FR-225233 Lyon, France
postxwayk: FR-258008 Gannets, France.
postxwayk: FR-280680 Canals, France.
postxwayk: FR-280680 Canals, France
postxwayk: FR-291952 Annecy, France.
postxwayk: FR-298484 Grand Site de Deux-Caps, France
postxwayk: FR-311553 Canine Competitors, France.
postxwayk: FR-331331 La Champagne - Ardenne. France.
postxwayk: FR-312903 En Dombes - France.
postxwayk: FR-352565 Mont Blanc - Highest point on European Alps. France.
postxwayk: FR-373687 Lourdes, France.
postxwayk: FR-387415 Marmotte, France.
postxwayk: FR-476407 Semur, 12th & 13th century city. France.
postxwayk: FR-516105 Marseille, France.
postxwayk: FR-528108 Castres, France.
postxwayk: FR-530012 Menton, France.
postxwayk: FR-532944 Paris, France.
postxwayk: FR-531644 The Gardens of the Fountain. France.
postxwayk: FR-607572 Bretagne. France.
postxwayk: FR-629962 Lille, France.
postxwayk: FR-711715 Residual Coal Mining Area, Northern France.
postxwayk: FR-750871 Bretagne, France.
postxwayk: FR-800970 Tradional Water Sport "Joutes". France.
postxwayk: FR-822548 Toulouse, France.
postxwayk: FR-941158 Otter, France.
postxwayk: FR-0029a France
postxwayk: FR-971671 Cheeses of France
postxwayk: Chateau de Foix, France.
postxwayk: FR-1013242 "Earthlings" - a movie. France.