epoomay: At Phil's and Alix's wedding
epoomay: At Phil's and Alix's wedding
epoomay: At Phil's and Alix's wedding
epoomay: Joey Cronen and Jenny
epoomay: At Phil's and Alix's wedding
epoomay: IMAG0171
epoomay: Gloria Vanderbilt piece
epoomay: IMAG0174
epoomay: IMAG0175
epoomay: IMAG0176
epoomay: Jason Peters' Less Than <> More Than
epoomay: IMAG0179
epoomay: Peacocks on the grounds
epoomay: Peacocks on the grounds
epoomay: White peacock
epoomay: IMAG0183
epoomay: IMAG0184
epoomay: IMAG0185
epoomay: IMAG0186
epoomay: IMAG0187
epoomay: IMAG0188
epoomay: Vrinda's PhD diploma
epoomay: View of Cornell from City Lights B&B
epoomay: City Lights B&B
epoomay: State Street Diner
epoomay: Ithaca is Gorges
epoomay: Suspension Bridge gorge
epoomay: Some Younger American Artists
epoomay: IMAG0198
epoomay: Johnson Museum of Art