Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Io vi vedo. I see you.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Punta dei tre Scarperi.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Drei Zinnen, Tré Thìme.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Riflessi. Reflections
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Tramonto sul monte Cengio. Sunset on Cengio Mount.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Vajo dei colori e il Carega. Vajo of the colors and Carega.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Le Piccole e il Carega.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Tra me e l'incudine. Between me and the anvil.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Dalla cima. From the summit.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Sentiero sospeso. Path suspended.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Controllo il mio territorio. Check my territory.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Oltre lo sguardo. Beyond the look.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Marmolada con il cappello
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Il fumante del Carega.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Cannoni a Nord-Ovest
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Ghiaccio e riflessi. Ice and reflections.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Tramonto tra Carega, Campogrosso e le Piccole Dolomiti. Sunset between Carega, Campogrosso and the Small Dolomites.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Il Grande abbraccio. The Big hug.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Indicazione. Indication.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Specchio delle mie brame. Mirror on the wall.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Bellezze "d'oltralpe". " Transalpine " beauties.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Sciliar spunta tra i verdi prati. Sciliar emerges among green fields.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Incroci. Intersections.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Tre cime e il suo paradiso. Three peaks and its paradise.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Cippo Austriaco dell'Ortigara al tramonto.
Lorenzo Zanini Photographer: Lo specchio verde. The green mirror.