mdsaltsman: American Coot
mdsaltsman: Little Blue Heron
mdsaltsman: Common Yellowthroat
mdsaltsman: Little Blue Heron
mdsaltsman: Little Blue Heron
mdsaltsman: Little Blue Heron
mdsaltsman: Anhinga
mdsaltsman: Red-winged Blackbird
mdsaltsman: Great Egret
mdsaltsman: Green-winged and Blue-winged Teal
mdsaltsman: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
mdsaltsman: Snowy Egret
mdsaltsman: White Ibis
mdsaltsman: Great Egret
mdsaltsman: Immature White Ibis
mdsaltsman: Eastern Phoebe
mdsaltsman: Common Gallinule
mdsaltsman: Northern Mockingbird
mdsaltsman: Anhinga
mdsaltsman: Great Blue Heron with Breakfast
mdsaltsman: Great Blue Heron with Breakfast
mdsaltsman: Great Blue Heron
mdsaltsman: Pied-billed Grebe
mdsaltsman: Red-shouldered Hawk
mdsaltsman: Eastern Phoebe
mdsaltsman: Pied-billed Grebe
mdsaltsman: Juvenile Indigo Bunting
mdsaltsman: Northern Mockingbird Portrait
mdsaltsman: Turkey Vulture
mdsaltsman: American White Pelican