S. James: Ysolde looking ponderous.
S. James: Nadja and Noel.
S. James: Nadja and Ysolde
S. James: Noelle and Noel.
S. James: Noel and Cassian.
S. James: IMG_3270.JPG
S. James: Nadja and Ysolde.
S. James: Noel, Cass and Noelle
S. James: Ysolde opens her presents.
S. James: IMG_3275.JPG
S. James: Ysolde loves her "Cat Bag".
S. James: IMG_3279.JPG
S. James: Christmas lunch.
S. James: Cass, busy in the kitchen.
S. James: Mum serving Christmas lunch.
S. James: Yolanda, Noelle and a few potatoes.
S. James: Hot stuff!
S. James: Mmmmmmm, roast potatoes.
S. James: Flaming pudding!
S. James: Mmmmmm, pudding!
S. James: Just a small piece please......
S. James: Mmmmmm, pudding with custard and cream.
S. James: Cass and Ysolde.
S. James: Dean and Yolanda.
S. James: Can't talk.... eating pudding!