paulkimo90: Gillig Phantom
paulkimo90: Gillig Phantom
paulkimo90: Gillig Phantom
paulkimo90: Gillig Phantom
paulkimo90: Gillig Phantom
paulkimo90: King Co. Metro Trolley bus
paulkimo90: King Co bus and Seattle Streetcar
paulkimo90: King Co. Metro - Seattle
paulkimo90: Seattle Gillig Phantom
paulkimo90: Portland TriMet
paulkimo90: Clackamass Transit Center
paulkimo90: Portland TriMet
paulkimo90: Awaiting their fate
paulkimo90: Awaiting their fate [a]
paulkimo90: Awaiting their fate
paulkimo90: Awaiting their fate
paulkimo90: Awaiting their fate
paulkimo90: The New and the Old
paulkimo90: Gillig school bus
paulkimo90: Gillig school bus
paulkimo90: Gillig school bus
paulkimo90: Gillig school bus
paulkimo90: Lewis Stages
paulkimo90: Lewis Stages
paulkimo90: Jackson Rock Springs Stages at Kimball Junction Transit Center Park City, Utah
paulkimo90: TheBus - Honolulu
paulkimo90: TheBus Gillig Phantom 49