anttler: M15-2
anttler: The Moon, Venus and Clouds
anttler: M13 Globular cluster
anttler: Venus Transit
anttler: M31
anttler: Orion Sword
anttler: Largest Sun Spot I have seen
anttler: The Markien Chain of Galaxies in Virgo
anttler: Venus & M45
anttler: Whale Crobar Galaxies
anttler: Messier 101 the Pinwheel Galaxy
anttler: Messier 1The Crab Nebula
anttler: M81& M82 Bodes Nebula and the Cigar Galaxy
anttler: AnttlersM45
anttler: LNtreefull
anttler: Anttlers-m57rev2
anttler: AnttlersM95-m96
anttler: anttlerM64-2
anttler: AnttlersLunacropsmall
anttler: Orions Sword V2!
anttler: M13
anttler: M51
anttler: Great Planetary Alignment of 2002
anttler: Venus Transit
anttler: Bubble Nebula
anttler: NGC2903 Spiral Galaxy in Leo
anttler: M33
anttler: M63
anttler: m92
anttler: double cluster