stag35v8: Dormant now but in the summer these Lavenders should look spectacular.
stag35v8: Quite a novel way of showing the different types of fir cone.
stag35v8: Witch hazel
stag35v8: Salix gracilastyla Mount Aso, they are as soft and fluffy as they look.
stag35v8: Bromeliad display inside the greenhouses at Wisley.
stag35v8: One of the many spectacular flowers in the greenhouses at Wisley.
stag35v8: One of the fabulous greenhouses.
stag35v8: Looking back at the greenhouses from the view point.
stag35v8: The pruning in the orchard could be entered in an art gallery!
stag35v8: Overlooking the wellbeing garden from the roof terrace.
stag35v8: I'm this roof terrace is popular during the warm summer days.
stag35v8: Overlooking the world food garden from the roof terrace.
stag35v8: I didn't know you could get such small yet stunning Narcissus.
stag35v8: Lovely purple Irises in the alpine house.
stag35v8: A snowdrop display in the alpine house at Wisley.
stag35v8: Tulips in the trial area at Wisley.
stag35v8: Splendid purple Rhododendron at Wisley.
stag35v8: I love the reflections in these ponds at Wisley.
stag35v8: Giant hares dancing among the tulips at Wisley.
stag35v8: Stunning purple water lily at Wisley.
stag35v8: There's some other worldly flowers in the greenhouses at Wisley.
stag35v8: Standing with our backs to the new pond at Wisley.
stag35v8: One of our favourite tulips at Wisley.
stag35v8: Another view of the wonderful tulips.
stag35v8: These ducks were hoping to share our lunch.
stag35v8: Some amazing plants in the alpine house including this Scilla huhii.
stag35v8: Pretty Pulsatilla vulgaris flowers outside the Alpine house.
stag35v8: What a spectacular display of Tulips at RHS Wisley.
stag35v8: Our first visit to RHS Wisley to see the spring bulbs.
stag35v8: Some stunning Rhododendrons at RHS Wisley.