stag35v8: Meeting the grandpawrents for the first time
stag35v8: A favourite spot already on the dining room chair.
stag35v8: Jasmine with teddy, 18 cms 'tall'.
stag35v8: Jazzie very happy sitting on my lap wile I'm wfh.
stag35v8: Athletic Jazzie
stag35v8: Jazzie exploring our book case and hopefully not chewing too many.
stag35v8: Meerkat Jazzie
stag35v8: Jazzie finding somewhere cool to sit during the hot weather.
stag35v8: Jazzie looking pretty next to the fuchsias
stag35v8: Jazzie playing hide and seek.
stag35v8: Jazzie finding new places to explore while looking cute.
stag35v8: A favourite place for Jazzie to snooze, under the chair.
stag35v8: Jazzie chasing a fly while putting more holes in our net curtains.
stag35v8: Jazzie's taking up more space on the conservatory chairs, getting to be a big girl.
stag35v8: Jazzie letting David give her a gentle stroke.
stag35v8: Jazzie was a bit dozy and paying no attention to her toys.
stag35v8: Jazzie asleep
stag35v8: Proof that it's not just my lap that Jazzie sleeps on.
stag35v8: Jazzie's not keen on going out when it's raining, she'll often just sit with her flap half open looking out.
stag35v8: Jazzie asking (demanding) to be let into the summerhouse. Hopefully it will be warm enough to have the doors open and then she can come and go as she pleases.
stag35v8: A popular place to snooze at the moment.
stag35v8: Jazzie likes to choose different places to snooze.
stag35v8: I get up for two minutes and Jazzie nicks my seat!
stag35v8: Jazzie likes to snooze near the curtains for some reason.
stag35v8: I get up for two minutes and someone pinches my spot!
stag35v8: Jazzie doesn't fit on my lap quite so easily as she did when she was a kitten.
stag35v8: Jazzie playing on the stairs.
stag35v8: Jazzie has to turn her head sideways to fit through the spindles.
stag35v8: Jazzie mid yawn.
stag35v8: Jazzie was being decorating supervisor today.