stag35v8: Mown path.
stag35v8: The sun shone for a while on Uppark House
stag35v8: Uppark (NT)
stag35v8: Rear entrance to Uppark and also the entrance for visitors.
stag35v8: Stable block and dairy.
stag35v8: A fine looking Georgian residence
stag35v8: Front of Uppark House.
stag35v8: Mushroom
stag35v8: Lovely view from the front steps of Uppark
stag35v8: Gardens at Uppark
stag35v8: In the gardens
stag35v8: Side view of Uppark showing grassed slope.
stag35v8: Lots of butterflies around today
stag35v8: Pretty grasses
stag35v8: Loads of sweet blackberries in the hedgerows.
stag35v8: A busy bee on pink buddleia.
stag35v8: These smell a bit like Honeysuckle - Clerodendrum trichotomum var. fargesii
stag35v8: We loved these pretty flowers, lots of different colours too.
stag35v8: We loved these pretty flowers, lots of different colours too.
stag35v8: Uppark house - National Trust
stag35v8: Toadflax - these look similar to snapdragons.