stag35v8: Young Poppy sharing Benjy's bed.
stag35v8: Poppy when her legs were a bit shorter
stag35v8: A kitten does sleep, sometimes.
stag35v8: A young chilled Poppy.
stag35v8: Taking the biscuit.
stag35v8: There's always something interesting over the fence.
stag35v8: Poppy's not always too impressed when I take photos of her.
stag35v8: Poppy enjoying the late afternoon sun
stag35v8: Found a grubby bit.
stag35v8: I've had such a busy day...
stag35v8: ..playing with a leaf the next!
stag35v8: Snoozing on her personal sun deck one minute..
stag35v8: Poppy approves of our new deck chairs!
stag35v8: Poppy having a wash.
stag35v8: Poppy has water provided in often washed bowls but sometimes likes it out of the grubby birdbath!
stag35v8: Poppy often likes to have a snooze right next to me on the sofa.
stag35v8: Poppy not too keen about posing when dozing...
stag35v8: Poppy doing what she loves best, snoozing!
stag35v8: ..but got too hot and sat in the shade...
stag35v8: Poppy started off in the sun...
stag35v8: Me and my shadow
stag35v8: Hopefully not a flea!
stag35v8: What shall I do now...
stag35v8: Poppy sitting in the sun.
stag35v8: Whiskers
stag35v8: Poppy enjoying the sunshine
stag35v8: The sunniest spot today was on the back of the sofa.
stag35v8: Put here so Poppy doesn't get hairs on the sofa, not so that she can sit on the cushion!
stag35v8: Poppy caught snuggled on the sofa!
stag35v8: This is Poppy in-between the pillows. She told us she heard fireworks and was scared...