MichaelB in Houston:
SSW long on coming
MichaelB in Houston:
SSW oncoming 100_3821
MichaelB in Houston:
SSW 9642 Charges the Hill
MichaelB in Houston:
SSW 9642 crossing
MichaelB in Houston:
SSW 9642 crossing horn
MichaelB in Houston:
SSW still 100_4158
MichaelB in Houston:
SSW at crossing 100_4169
MichaelB in Houston:
SSW down the tracks and far away 100_3823
MichaelB in Houston:
SSW wide on rails
MichaelB in Houston:
Lake shot 100_4145
MichaelB in Houston:
Cotton Belt 9642 and friend
MichaelB in Houston:
UP 5338 at crossing
MichaelB in Houston:
Lash up pair Hearne yard
MichaelB in Houston:
Lash up light left
MichaelB in Houston:
SSW 9642 Hearne yard
MichaelB in Houston:
SSW 9642 Hearne Yard Nose
MichaelB in Houston:
SSW 9708 and UP 2069
MichaelB in Houston:
Vintage Cotton Belt 4260 video
MichaelB in Houston:
SSW 9642 approach
MichaelB in Houston:
Texas Back County RR Crossing