Colin Dorey: Man at Bus Stop - Victoria
Colin Dorey: Man at Bus Stop - Victoria
Colin Dorey: Vauxhall, YOU ARE ONE OF A KIND
Colin Dorey: Vauxhall Bus Station
Colin Dorey: Shoreditch Fire Station
Colin Dorey: Simmons Bar Old Street
Colin Dorey: Old Street
Colin Dorey: Old Street Roundabout
Colin Dorey: skyline - Old Street Roundabout
Colin Dorey: New Place Shoreditch
Colin Dorey: Cristina Street looking towards multi story carpark & American Carwash
Colin Dorey: B&W -Old Street Roundabout
Colin Dorey: Who's looking at you?
Colin Dorey: Window Display - Selfridges Oxford Street
Colin Dorey: Window Display "A Custard Pie to the Face" - Selfridges Oxford Street
Colin Dorey: Lady reading "How To Do The Work" on Bus
Colin Dorey: Reflection of Euston Tower
Colin Dorey: Euston Tower & Hampstead Road
Colin Dorey: Sunday - Euston Road
Colin Dorey: view between rooms, Victoria & Albert Museum
Colin Dorey: Victoria & Albert Museum Courtyard Cafe, Exhibition Road entrance
Colin Dorey: Ibrahim Mahama - Purple Hibiscus - wall hanging at Barbican Centre
Colin Dorey: Blake House looking north
Colin Dorey: CAPTURING THE MOMENT - exhibition in Tate Modern
Colin Dorey: CAPTURING THE MOMENT - exhibition in Tate Modern
Colin Dorey: CAPTURING THE MOMENT - exhibition in Tate Modern
Colin Dorey: CAPTURING THE MOMENT - exhibition in Tate Modern
Colin Dorey: BLAVATNIK BUILDING (Tate Modern) & flats Holland Street
Colin Dorey: Barbican Art Gallery - The Power and Politics of Textiles in Art
Colin Dorey: Barbican Art Gallery - The Power and Politics of Textiles in Art