tylerpockette4: Indigo Bunting
tylerpockette4: Nashville Warbler
tylerpockette4: Scarlet Tanager
tylerpockette4: Black-throated Blue Warbler
tylerpockette4: Cecropia Moth eclosure
tylerpockette4: Common Yellowthroat
tylerpockette4: Blue Jay portait
tylerpockette4: Big stretch!
tylerpockette4: Baltimore Oriole
tylerpockette4: Prairie Warbler
tylerpockette4: Woodchuck
tylerpockette4: Prairie Warbler
tylerpockette4: Praying Mantis
tylerpockette4: Cedar Waxwing
tylerpockette4: White-tailed Deer with twins
tylerpockette4: Scarlet Tanager
tylerpockette4: Indigo Bunting
tylerpockette4: Northern Parula
tylerpockette4: Red-tailed Hawk with Meadow Vole
tylerpockette4: Eastern Bluebird
tylerpockette4: Northern Saw-whet Owl
tylerpockette4: Orchard Oriole
tylerpockette4: White-footed Mouse
tylerpockette4: Common Nighthawk
tylerpockette4: Tufted Titmouse
tylerpockette4: Short-eared Owl
tylerpockette4: Blackburnian Warbler
tylerpockette4: Eastern Whip-poor-will