snelson951: Mina Titus, Frankie Hight and Helen Wood 1920
snelson951: The old Wood house in Starks, Maine
snelson951: Hilton buildings and fields. Joe Cripps house in distance. Power house and dam. Sandy River
snelson951: Hilton building and fields. Power house, Sandy River island 1931
snelson951: Wood family homestead in Starks, Maine
snelson951: The Elm schoolhouse in Maine. 1924
snelson951: On the farm. 1924
snelson951: Helen Wood 1928 in an Old car
snelson951: Pasture, fields and home. Starks, Maine
snelson951: Starks, Maine 1914. The home of Earl and Bessie Ultz. Later, it became the home of Leland Ferrand.
snelson951: Many compliments from your teacher, Earl and Bessie Ultz
snelson951: Blanche Wood
snelson951: The John Wood homestead in Starks Maine
snelson951: Blanche and Jimmie Wood and Prince
snelson951: Jamaica pond. Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
snelson951: Helen and Florence Wood 1931
snelson951: Jamaica pond. Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
snelson951: James (Buddy) Gale. Real photo postcard
snelson951: All aboard for the quilting 1924
snelson951: Sandy River Dam power house. Starks Maine
snelson951: Sandy River Dam, Starks Maine
snelson951: Florence and Helen Wood 1924
snelson951: Back: Margie, Florence, Doris. Front: Jimmie and Raymond 1924
snelson951: The John Wood homestead in Starks Maine. Hilton and Joe Cripps houses in distance 1924
snelson951: Starks, Maine
snelson951: Intervale at home and Hilton Pasture. Starks, Maine
snelson951: The Wood family home in Starks, Maine
snelson951: Raymond Wood. A boy and his lamb
snelson951: The Wood family in Starks, Maine mingling with the cattle in the field