Ketkar Su: Be Focused...
Ketkar Su: Be Focused...
Ketkar Su: White Throated Kingfisher...
Ketkar Su: Common King fisher...
Ketkar Su: Blue-eared kingfisher (Alcedo meninting)
Ketkar Su: Kingfisher...
Ketkar Su: The King of Woodland ...
Ketkar Su: Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher...
Ketkar Su: My Little Prince...
Ketkar Su: Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher...
Ketkar Su: Common Kingfisher...
Ketkar Su: My Little Prince :))
Ketkar Su: Kingfisher...
Ketkar Su: White throated kingfisher
Ketkar Su: Blue eared Kingfisher
Ketkar Su: White throated Kingfisher 😂
Ketkar Su: Blue -eared KF :)
Ketkar Su: Blue eared Kingfisher
Ketkar Su: Morning Stretching 😂
Ketkar Su: My Cutie :)
Ketkar Su: My Little Prince :))
Ketkar Su: My Cute Prince :))
Ketkar Su: White throated Kingfisher.
Ketkar Su: White throated Kingfisher.
Ketkar Su: A Flying Jewel 😄
Ketkar Su: ODKF :))