Ketkar Su: Lost in a paradise...
Ketkar Su: Lycaena dispar ( Large Copper) female, Korea
Ketkar Su: An Angel with Glowing wings.....
Ketkar Su: Its a matter of Life n Death...
Ketkar Su: The Great Survivor!
Ketkar Su: P1010604
Ketkar Su: L.dispar (Large Copper) , Korea
Ketkar Su: Platycnemis phyllopoda , Korea
Ketkar Su: c my hiding place!
Ketkar Su: Manuchyan
Ketkar Su: Large copper ( L. dispar), Korea
Ketkar Su: common jezebel (Delias eucharis)
Ketkar Su: Fritillary
Ketkar Su: Chinuli
Ketkar Su: Golden skipper
Ketkar Su: Be aware of hidden enemies...
Ketkar Su: Large copper ( L. dispar), Korea
Ketkar Su: Manuchyan
Ketkar Su: Glowing Lily
Ketkar Su: DSCN0297
Ketkar Su: DSCN0156
Ketkar Su: flying jewel!
Ketkar Su: eka talyat hoti... The Ugly duckling!
Ketkar Su: Its a Lunch-time!
Ketkar Su: Bumble Bee...
Ketkar Su: Busy Big B...
Ketkar Su: Lost in a Dream...
Ketkar Su: Platycnemis phyllopoda male, Korea
Ketkar Su: Embracing the Freedom...