MountainBackpacker: Gomer with Deep Thoughts
MountainBackpacker: Jenny and the Tree
MountainBackpacker: Deerfield Woods
MountainBackpacker: Deerfield Home and Jenny
MountainBackpacker: Shawnee Canyon Ice Over
MountainBackpacker: Jenny at Cedar Bluff
MountainBackpacker: Icicles at Cedar Bluff Nature Preserve
MountainBackpacker: Cedar Bluff Stream Bed
MountainBackpacker: Cedar Bluff Nature Preserve
MountainBackpacker: Green's Bluff
MountainBackpacker: Jenny at Green's Bluff
MountainBackpacker: Whip-Poor-Will Woods Homestead Remains
MountainBackpacker: Ridge Top at Whip-Poor-Will Nature Preserve
MountainBackpacker: Pet Christmas 2009
MountainBackpacker: Green's Bluff Nature Preserve
MountainBackpacker: Inspiration Point at Shades State Park
MountainBackpacker: Pete, Jenny, and the Sycamore