McArthur912: Simetria y luz ....light and simetry
McArthur912: Pasamano...handrail
McArthur912: Arcos en Carondelet..arches inside Carondelet
McArthur912: Reflejos
McArthur912: Bola de billar? billar ball
McArthur912: Sola en el museo....just alone in the museum
McArthur912: Reflexion en el piso 02....reflections in the floor 02
McArthur912: Reflexiones en el piso....reflections in the floor
McArthur912: Escalera....upstair
McArthur912: Reja del fence
McArthur912: Sombras, shadows
McArthur912: IMG_0414
McArthur912: Water fall
McArthur912: Pileta
McArthur912: Bananas
McArthur912: Esperando clientes
McArthur912: Reflexos en el cielo
McArthur912: Arcos simetricos
McArthur912: La servilleta, the napkin
McArthur912: Perspectiva
McArthur912: La ventana, the window
McArthur912: Las sillas
McArthur912: Sediento?
McArthur912: amarillo azul y blanco
McArthur912: Olas de piedra...stone waves
McArthur912: Olas de piedra...stone waves
McArthur912: stone railing detail
McArthur912: Detalle de pasamano de piedra catedral de Quito..stone railing at Quito's Cathedral