curran.kelleher: Driving to Forli
curran.kelleher: Seventh Heaven
curran.kelleher: Boarding the Flight to Germany
curran.kelleher: Takeoff from Forli
curran.kelleher: So Many Fields!
curran.kelleher: Italian Hill
curran.kelleher: The Italian Coast
curran.kelleher: Bologna From the Air
curran.kelleher: A Long and Winding River
curran.kelleher: P1280234
curran.kelleher: Ryanair flight over the Alps
curran.kelleher: The Earth is Vast
curran.kelleher: Beautiful Valley
curran.kelleher: The Alps!
curran.kelleher: Ridges
curran.kelleher: Clouds in the Alps
curran.kelleher: The Bodensee From the Plane
curran.kelleher: Back in Germany!
curran.kelleher: The Earth is Vast