Wizard CG: Let your Lights Shine
Wizard CG: colorful houses
Wizard CG: every path in life has a bridge
Wizard CG: a journey into the past
Wizard CG: a golden moment
Wizard CG: watching the world go by
Wizard CG: Towards The Light
Wizard CG: Follow The Light
Wizard CG: to tower
Wizard CG: moments come and go but memories last forever
Wizard CG: above the clouds, you go beyond the foolishness of the world and find peace.
Wizard CG: I've Got The Blues
Wizard CG: the beauty of light owes its existence to the dark
Wizard CG: let your light shine
Wizard CG: Life is like a bridge. We have to cross it to get to the other side.
Wizard CG: The Sky Speaks In Many Colours
Wizard CG: the beauty you see in me is a reflection of you
Wizard CG: Take Time to Make Your Soul Happy.
Wizard CG: fade into darkness
Wizard CG: Look Into My Eyes Its Where My Demons Hide!
Wizard CG: Rising from Darkness
Wizard CG: Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
Wizard CG: Evenings are life's way of saying that you are closer to your dreams
Wizard CG: This is the end of the day, but soon there will be a new day.
Wizard CG: Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it's happened.
Wizard CG: Nothing Can Dim the Light that Shines from Within
Wizard CG: Difficult road often lead to beautiful destination
Wizard CG: Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect
Wizard CG: The Best Dreams happen when you are Awake
Wizard CG: As the sun fades to darkness