Kalaena: Gotham Drama
Kalaena: Afternoon of the Vertical Cloud Formations
Kalaena: Textures and Backlit Monoliths
Kalaena: A Walk in the Clouds...
Kalaena: Last Blush of the Day...
Kalaena: Skyfall...
Kalaena: IMG_0950
Kalaena: A Splash of Color
Kalaena: We Are Small.
Kalaena: One Big Cloud
Kalaena: Where Light Enters...
Kalaena: Sunset Spectacle
Kalaena: Meditation on a Cloud
Kalaena: Just one of those skies...
Kalaena: "Painted" sky
Kalaena: IMG_0418
Kalaena: Formidable Beauty
Kalaena: "Fireworks!"
Kalaena: Searching for the Sublime
Kalaena: Magritte Sky
Kalaena: Mini Mammatus Over Manhattan
Kalaena: Heavenly Light
Kalaena: Crouching Feet, Cloud Dragon
Kalaena: Happy Halloween!!
Kalaena: A Touch of the Divine
Kalaena: Celestial Dance
Kalaena: The Pink of the Evening
Kalaena: NYC in Pink and Blue
Kalaena: Cottony Clouds and Sunny Lens Flares
Kalaena: Bison in the Sky