Linsenkit0815: on the escalator
Silentio Lucis: De Zalmhaven I, Rotterdam
jefvandenhoute: Rhythm in white
michaelhertel: A good One
koen_jacobs: Crossings
Zefrog: IMG_2555
Frank Hendriks Photography: What a kid I got, I told him about the birds and the bees and he told me about the butcher and my wife.
jkiscycling: Stonechat male (Saxicola torquata)
Leanne Boulton: Stranger 90/100 'Lorna'
klaus.huppertz: duck portrait
danil.tsoy: Pair of mating Great Crested Grebes swimming together
bill.d: Zoooooom
jhp1161: Cicada Hatching
John Brighenti: Eastern Downy Woodpecker
Harold Brown: Gulls Face Off
Hari K Patibanda: A Common Kingfisher near a shallow lake hunting
Fred Roe: Sale at Nest Depot
Ian Robin Jackson: Dunnock on song
evil king: Springtime in Switzerland 2024
David Clippinger: Northern Waterthrush
joachim.kracher: In a green world
Ken Mattison: Dramatic April Sky
gillybooze ( David ): Sedge Warbler
Nate Nickell: Robin - Richfield, MN
Megashorts: Harvard Mk.IIb
johnatkins2008: Avocet 30/04/24.
John Brighenti: Rose-breasted Grosbeak