journey of a wandering..:
lupine sunrise
journey of a wandering..:
Shirley Canyon
journey of a wandering..:
lake tahoe
journey of a wandering..:
a good start to the summer
journey of a wandering..:
journey of a wandering..:
sunset on the east shore
journey of a wandering..:
chasing rainbows
journey of a wandering..:
rainbow over eagle falls
journey of a wandering..:
a little bit of light
journey of a wandering..:
mt. tallac
journey of a wandering..:
west shore
journey of a wandering..:
ward canyon meadow
journey of a wandering..:
eagle lake
journey of a wandering..:
a fresh drop of rain
journey of a wandering..:
some color
journey of a wandering..:
blackwood canyon
journey of a wandering..:
an unwatched view
journey of a wandering..:
rubi peak
journey of a wandering..:
the usual look out
journey of a wandering..:
tahoe city
journey of a wandering..:
theres a light
journey of a wandering..:
sleepy morning
journey of a wandering..:
journey of a wandering..:
lake 2
journey of a wandering..:
if it was
journey of a wandering..:
if that what it takes to be free i dont mind
journey of a wandering..:
eternal delight
journey of a wandering..:
tell them im coming home
journey of a wandering..:
journey of a wandering..:
as sure as the sun will shine