wilma HW61:
De klederdracht / The costume
wilma HW61:
Het manvolk / The male folk
wilma HW61:
Koppel / Pair
wilma HW61:
De Bruid
wilma HW61:
Wat een schatje / What a sweetheart
wilma HW61:
Coup speciaal / Coupe specially
wilma HW61:
Moeder en kind / Mother and Child
wilma HW61:
Japan explore Staphorst...HFF
wilma HW61:
HFF in Traditional costume
wilma HW61:
Holding a cup
wilma HW61:
Grandma did my hair..1
wilma HW61:
Grandma did my hair..2
wilma HW61:
Grandma did my hair..3
wilma HW61:
Hand in hand with daddy
wilma HW61:
The boys .... series of 5 portrait photos
wilma HW61:
The boys .... series of 5 portrait photos
wilma HW61:
The boys .... series of 5 portrait photos
wilma HW61:
The boys .... series of 5 portrait photos
wilma HW61:
The boys .... series of 5 portrait photos
wilma HW61:
Back in time with a modern touch..HFF
wilma HW61:
Feminine conversation
wilma HW61:
Luckily a parking for me.....on Explore #116
wilma HW61:
Back in time 1
wilma HW61:
Back in time 2
wilma HW61:
Swing with the clogs
wilma HW61:
View of the plums..HWW
wilma HW61:
Hand spinning sheepskin
wilma HW61:
Spinnen van wol
wilma HW61:
The Kitchen door /TDD/DDD
wilma HW61:
Hard work from the past